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PatchMyPC detects an outdated software version for GitMind on my PC. It is flagged red in the right pane of PatchMyPC, but there is no option to update it through PatchMyPC. GitMind is not listed in the left pane. Is this intentional?
Windows 10 Settings > Apps and features tells that my GitMind version is 1.0.9 , probably outdated since a year as GitMind provides updates about every month.

I do have Git  -  2.43.0 (x86) installed, should that be related.

PatchMyPC updater
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
Definitions: 05-December-2023
Log entry shown in the right pane:
    Downloading: PicPick 7.2.5 (0.01 MB)
    PicPick 7.2.5 Downloaded Successfully
    Silently install PicPick 7.2.5
    PicPick 7.2.5 Failed to start installation of C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\PicPick 7.2.5.exe
    Deleted corrupt installer: C:\PatchMyPCUpdates\PicPick 7.2.5.exe

PicPick  -  7.2.3 keeps being installed and flagged red

PatchMyPC updater
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
Definitions: 05-December-2023
The forum Web software itself seems to have an issue.
After posting one issue today I tried to post another one, as well in
Report Bugs and Issues (Free Home Updater), of course with a different subject and different text body. I could PREVIEW it, but when trying to POST it, the forum software returns:
"An error has occurred
You have already submitted this post! You might have accidentally double clicked or tried to refresh the page."

But the new post does not show up, it cannot be searched and the overall number of posts of my account went up today by only 1 (for the first post).
Log entry in the right pane:
Downloading: Git 2.43 (x86) (58.05 MB)
Git 2.43 (x86) Downloaded Successfully
--> git throws installer popup message:
    Git 2.43.0 Setup
    Runtime error (at 327:785):
    Cannot create file "C:\Program Files\Git\dev\fd". Access is denied.
--> acknowledging the error message, clicking "OK"
--> Log entry:
Install Successful for Git 2.43 (x86)
Git 2.43 (x86) doesn't create a desktop shortcut skipping

In fact, there are four System files in C:\Program Files\Git\dev : fd, stderr, stdin, stdout
Write permission for the files are only granted to SYSTEM and to the Administrators group, but not to ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES and not to ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES.

It is irritating that PatchMyPC concludes "Install Successful for Git 2.43 (x86)". The existing system files will probably be just OK as they were created at an earlier version installation. But what else may have gone wrong or skipped after the error message popup and not noticed by PatchMyPC?

PatchMyPC updater
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
Definitions: 05-December-2023
After PC wake-up from sleep, I am getting a Windows Installer pop-up: "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
Process Explorer tells me that it was started with the command line
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe" /X{81922150-317E-4BB0-A31D-FF1C14F707C5} /qb
Googling {81922150-317E-4BB0-A31D-FF1C14F707C5} leads me to https://inkscape.org/forums/questions/how-to-prevent-inkscape-from-using-the-style-attribute/ which indicates that {81922150-317E-4BB0-A31D-FF1C14F707C5} refers to Inkscape (at a much earlier version).
I was not touching Inkscape in any way, so I must assume that msiexec.exe was triggered by Patch My PC's Home Installer.
Starting the Home Installer window it shows on the left pane Inkscape outdated (red) and trying to update to Inkscape 1.3(x64) . On the right pane, selecting Uninstaller, it shows Inkscape 1.2.2 being installed since 05/26/2023, which is true: Inkscape itself says it is Inkscape 1.2.2 (732a01da63, 2022-12-09) .
Is Patch My PC associating an outdated ID {81922150-317E-4BB0-A31D-FF1C14F707C5} with version 1.2.2?
Hi Patch My PC team,

There are also packages for which my anti-virus Avira reports as being oudated while PatchMyPC detects the same and judges them as being up to date:
    iTunes  - while Avira recommends
Are you using different reference locations of the current versions? Why do they differ? Are updates here global region specifiv like with the Android OS?
Avira_C++all outdated software.png

Avira also detects apps which PatchMyPC does not seem to know, but Programs and Features shows them (well Intel unclear, and Teams a stub only)
    Apple Mobile Device Support
    Box Sync
    Intel Corporation - Display - 10/17/2017 12:00:00 AM -  (no clue what that is, for all Intel stuff installed see the snapshot)
    Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Teams  (is actually only installed as a stub that will be completed when logging in with an O365 account - The link in the Start Menu > Programs > Microsift Teams points to C:\ProgramData\ps\Microsoft\Teams\Update.exe --processStart "Teams.exe" - I don't think the stub requires regular patching)
Why don't you detect and update Apple Mobile Device Support, Box Sync, and Edge?
Programs+features_Apple Mobile Device Support.png
Programs+features_Box Sync.png
Programs+features_all Intel stuff.png
Programs+features_Microsoft Edge.png
Teams link points to Update.exe.png

There is a package which Avira detects and judges to be current while also Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features shows them installed, but PatchMyPC does not detect them and instead offers installing them as if they were not yet installed
Why don't you detect FileZilla? Something setup weird on my PC?

There is software shown as green in the right pane of PatchMyPC, but as black in the left pane - while showing in Programs and Features
    CCleaner 6.02
Why that?

Finally, TreeSize Free is not shown at Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features and maybe this is the reason why also PatchMyPC does not detect it, although it is installed
    TreeSize Free
What is wrong here?
Program Files (x86) _ JAM Software _ TreeSize Free.png
PatchMyPC_TreeSize Free.png

Thanks again
Hi Patch My PC team, you are gorgeous! Until lately I didn't think there is such an automated patching service for home users, and even for free!

Here my question: My antivirus app Avira nowadays also checks whether software is up to date, but does not update without preminum license. Avira now judges that three C++ Redistributable packages are outdated while PatchMyPC judges that all C++ are current. It seems you don't detect three C++ packages.

Control panel > Programs > Programs and Features shows
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.30501.0
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) - 12.0.30501.0
installed in Dec 2020.
Avira detects both and recommends upgrading both to 12.0.40664.0
PatchMyPC does not seem to detect them.

Control panel > Programs > Programs and Features shows
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.25.28508.3
Avira detects this and recommends upgrading it to 14.29.30139.0
PatchMyPC does not seem to detect it.
PatchMyPc offers installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (x86) 14.32.31332.0 . Maybe that is actually 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) and could replace the outdated 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.25.28508.3 ? But installing the x86 14.32.31332.0 probably would leave the outdated x86 14.25.28508.3 untouched. I didn't test that.

Thanks again