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Topics - f14tomcat

General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Documentation
September 11, 2023, 10:12:29 AM
I've noticed that the product documentation is 5 1/2 years old.  There are pics from version with options that do not exist.  Current updates would be most helpful.  Thanks.
Since the release of Open Shell 190, I cannot set the left pane item Open Shell to disable scan. It will set in the current session, but will not retain the setting on close of PMPC. Next iteration of PMPC the left pane options have Enable Scan in green, yet the item "open Shell" is not crossed out.  These are contradictory. I need to stay on ver 180 and have to uncheck the item each time.

Windows 11 22621.2215, PMPC ver

Starting yesterday, 08/01/2023, PMPC started reporting an update For MalwareBytes version 4.6.  There is no ver.4.6.  This downloaded and installed the existing MB version 4.5.34.  Properties of the installer file details tab show "file version 4.6" and a product version of blank.  I investigated on the MBAM forums to verify there is no version 4.6.  The next beta for MBAM is going to be 5.0.x.  I have blocked the scan for this app.
Since the release of Open Shell 190, I cannot set the left pane item Open Shell to disable scan. It will set in the current session, but will not retain the setting on close of PMPC. Next iteration of PMPC the left pane options have Enable Scan in green, yet the item "open Shell" is not crossed out.  These are contradictory. I need to stay on ver 180 and have to uncheck the item each time. 

Windows 11 22621.2070, PMPC ver

14 Nov. 2019

Definitions still show 13th Nov, 2019 even though it is 13:30 ET U.S.  Is something down or broken?  I know from other sources Opera, Wise Disk Cleaner, and others have new updates, but not showing.

General Questions (Free Home Updater) / Updates
May 14, 2019, 05:08:40 AM
General question.  Approximately what time of the day are the definition files updated?   Posting this at 07:06 EDT, 05/14/2019.  App says defs are as of 5/13.  Thanks.