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PSADT notifications in pre and post install

Started by techanthony, March 13, 2025, 08:45:31 AM

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I found a couple of other posts that mention using PS app deploy toolkit (PSADT) for notifications for an Intune deployment. Has anyone managed to use PSADT just for notifications as pre and post script but have Intune handle the actual install - or even another method, not set on PSADT main focus is to get the same look of the messaging.
I would have Intune only notify for restart.

I think packaging all apps with PSADT defeats the automated process with PMPC to automatically get updates and update the deployment in Intune but if there is a way to us PSADT to provide a standardized look and feel for the close apps / defer message and to add a install complete message that would be great.

Checking if anyone has had success with this or knows if it is possible


+1 for standard look across both types of installs, once the new version of PSADT matures a little maybe they will do.