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Updates Timing Out on Most Workstations

Started by sunnyrise, September 27, 2023, 02:10:44 PM

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My company purchased Patch My PC and I went through configuring it and have been adding ADR software update group.  That group is deployed to all of my workstations collection with deadline over a week ago at this point, but we still haven't seen the updates reach many if not most machines.  Upon reviewing the deployment status I see that the vast majority have an error code 0x800705B4 with description "This operation returned because the timeout period expired."

Any ideas?  It looks like about 25 machines successfully installed the whole batch while around 400 have timed out.

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Sunnyrise,

Hope you are keeping well.

Sorry to hear you are having issues here.

I think this may be a core ConfigMgr updates scan issue. Is this during OSD?

Also, i'd recommend taking a look at this : https://www.prajwaldesai.com/fix-failed-to-install-update-error-0x800705b4/ and trying the steps with one failing client to see if this resolves the issue.

Another article to review : https://patchmypc.com/updates-or-applications-stuck-at-preparing-to-download-or-fail-with-error-0x87d00669-or-0x87d00607

It will take you through a number of steps to check to see if the content is distributed correctly and if the clients are in the relevant boundary groups.

Let me know how it goes after checking this article too.

