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Opera Update Fails / Patch My PC Reports Wrong Version

Started by Qitonia, July 11, 2020, 06:27:35 PM

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First of all, Patch My PC is reporting Opera as "Opera Stable 69.0.3686.49  -  69.0.3686.49" but this is a problem with the Opera updater which fails if run through the Opera browser.  And that is probably why it fails and confuses Patch My PC.  The current version is now 69.0.3686.57 and that must be installed manually because, one again, updates through the browser fails on Opera 69.0.3686.49 and the version previous to that one (was it Opera 69.0.3686.37 ?).  Anyway, I thought you should know.  Just FYI, after I switched from FileHippo App Manager to Patch My PC, I've experienced very few problems, and I've never looked back.  Kudos on making the best third-party software application updater in the world!


Now I have two detection messages for Opera: Opera Stable 69.0.3686.49  -  69.0.3686.49 and Opera Stable 69.0.3686.57  -  69.0.3686.57 but the version that I have installed that seems to work correctly is Version:69.0.3686.77 and I am using Windows 10 Home 64-bit.  I hope you find this information helpful.  Thank you!   :)

Omar (Patch My PC)

That usually means that you older updates of Opera that aren't removed! 69.0.3686.49 and 69.0.3686.57
So make sure they are removed, and be careful because removing them might remove 69.0.3686.77 as well.


Omar (Patch My PC)