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Updated software detected as outdated

Started by xdomingo, April 12, 2012, 03:23:22 AM

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Hi all.

First of all, congratulations for your terrific software. It's brilliant and I use it since many time ago...

There are two bugs (or correct me if I am wrong) I want to report:

  • Some software is detected as outdated while it is actually updated. It seems that Patch My Pc is not detecting de minor version / compilation number or similar. Please, see attached image. All of them are updated (Skype + Evernote + WireShark).
  • WireShark is detected as outdated (as commented in the last point), but apart from that, when Patch My Pc downloads the update and tries to install it, downloads the 64bit version, while my Operating System is 32bit

Is there any error on my configuration? Can I do something to avoid these problems?

Many thanks in advance and count on me on any feedback you should need,

Support Team (Patch My PC)


The detection looks right all those versions you have installed are outdated.

The issue with wire shark downloading the 64 bit version should be resolved now!



Hello Justin.

First of all, many thanks for your fast response. The Wireshark problem is corrected!!! Many thanks!!!

On the other hand, there are still problems with Skype and Evernote. Please see attached images, as I enter a loop:

1) Evernote and Skype are detected as outdated, but if I check their versions, they are up to date. Check evernote.png and skype.png. The versions in the about window are the same as the expected for Patch My PC. In fact, I think that there is an error on the version expected for Skype, because it is missing the third group of digits.
2) I run the updates and the result is the one you can check on pmp1.png.
3) I recheck software and the result is the one you can check on pmp2.png (check it on next post, as it is too big), this brings us to point 1 again.

For your information, I run the software as Administrator. Any ideas?


Just for adding pmp1.png


Just for adding pmp2.png

Support Team (Patch My PC)

Hmm those updates must be failing for some reason on your machine. Can you re run PMPC I just posted Skype 5.9. If it continues to fail click Options > Check Disable silent update.

This will allow you to manually perform the install and this should allow you to see whats causing the updates to fail.




Hello Justin.

First of all, the problem is finally solved. These are the steps I did:

  • I realised that the language (Spanish in my case) was not selected on preferred installation language under Options section. Nothing changed, the installation kept on failing.
  • I deactivated the silent installation option and I was able to see the errors: check pmpc6.png for Skype error, and pmpc7.png for Evernote error.

The pmpc6.png content translated into English could be something like: "Another version of this product is already installed. In order to uninstall or configure the current version, use Add or Remove programs from Control Panel."

The pmpc7.png content translated into English could be something like: "The installer must uninstall previous Evernote 4 from your computer..."

So I decided to manually uninstall Skype and Evernote from my computer and then, install them from Patch My PC software. After that final step, everything is correct and working!!!!  :)

Taking in consideration the previous facts, maybe the underlying problem is the fact that for some reason, Patch My Pc has not been able to uninstall "previous versions" on both cases (because of a bug on PMPC, or because a misconfiguration on my system... don't know why...). Hope this could help to somebody.

Many thanks for your support and your great product!!!